Yep your spouse is not perfect and neither are you . Sometimes we create our own heartbreak through expectations .it's alright to have expectations in your marriage. just remember to keep them at the feet of jesus , not at the feet of your spouse. Today's expectations are tomorrow's disappointments. Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes instantly. Let's face it our spouses will not meet all our expectations. God did not design or create our spouse to fulfill our expectations. Only God can satisfy our deepest needs. Peace begins when expectations ends. Look at it this way when we set out on the path , we have a fairly clear idea of what we hope to find. Women are generally seeking their soul mate. And men are generally looking for power. neither party is really interested in learning. They simple want to reach the thing they have set as their goal. Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. Talk about these four things with your spouse. connection, passion ,destiny , immediacy . remember people expectations vary. The problem with expectation seems to be less about what yours are and more about whether there being meet by your partner. expectations can have a negative or positive meaning. If we keep our minds fixed on heaven and our creator, we wouldn't get hung up on our expectations of his creations . by putting our trust in God , we find hope, joy , and peace. He is Everlasting he is faithful in his promises. he is our strong tower. All human strength fails , but God never fails. Expectations - righteous or unrighteous ? What type of expectations do you struggle with the most ? Expectations of your spouse, family, friends, co worker , job ? How do you handle unfulfilled expectations?